These are just a few of our many satisfied customers.
Send us your own comments about Registry First Aid!
This is ONLY for customer feedback... not for technical support.
NOTE: Email technical support for Registry First Aid can be only obtained
by emailing your questions to: rfa@rosecitysoftware.com
I have used Registry First Aid for the better part of 3 decades. Version 11 is the best version yet. It's FAST and intuitive. The GUI is a nice
change. I wouldn't be without it on my PC. I think it's great software and then you make it even better. Great work...
Don Roberts<anolehippy bellsouth.net>
I love this software. It's rare that a user is able to trust the results of ANY product such that the output will always be better than the input.
Thanks again for the privilege of being able to beta test this for you.
Richard Goldberg<goldberg erols.com>
After spending some intensive time on RFA and purchasing it, as a user of five top-quality registry cleaners, NBGCleanRe, RegFixer, CCleaner, JV Power Tools 2005, RFA,
I've found RFA is the most advanced cleaner of all... bar none. And getting answers to my questions, RFA's Tech Support is as good as it gets!
Norman Stockdale <nstockdale cox.net>
Just bought & ran RFA Version 4.1. I have spent hours this week trying to get my scanner to
talk to my OCR program getting more & more frustrated. Uninstall, re-start, install again,
disconnect scanner, get latest drivers etc etc. Still not working until a few minutes ago.
Thank you so very much for your software - cheap at twice the price!
Allan Tabbinor <allan.tabbinor tiscali.co.uk>
Dear Rose City, No doubt about it, RFA finds much more than Registry Mechanic. It's my favourite registry cleaner!
The latest version is far superior to the older one - it's getting better and better. And so simple
to use. Even a stupid old man like me can use it...
R A Bowen <rabo absamail.co.za>
Your peppy RFA dug right in and found some 2000 errors in my registry, which may be a world record. The software is very reasonably priced, too. RFA is the most thorough of any registry fixers I've tried, and I've trid a lot of them.
Pam Sharp <snowleopard2 intergate.com>
I have used many registry edit programs in my position as a dual "IT/ Master teacher" at our high school. Registry First Aid was the last ditch attempt to allow novice teachers a way to keep current on their bug "fixes." Numerous errors are compounded by the hard fisted science student who downloads anything and everything, no matter how firewalled we manage to make our network. Registry First Aid has continued to be the best and most effective way to keep a classroom lab UP and WORKING! Thank you for making it affordable, TOO!
Denese Jackson <denesejackson earthlink.net>
First, it's important that you know that I write very few of these sorts of letters... in fact, this is my first in over 20 years. I recently download trial versions and then purchased Registry First Aid and Registry Compressor. Having been involved (more like obsessed) with computers for the past 25 years, I thought I knew all the right things to do in order to keep my system in optimal shape and thought I had tested every tweaking utility under the sun. Having recently purchased a "boxed" computer, I cleaned out a lot of the OEM "extras" (as most of us do) that were hogging space and resources or were just plain useless to me. I have worked for months and thought I had truly cleaned and tweaked my machine to top condition. Registry First Aid and Registry Compressor just blew me away. Having found well over 1,000 incorrect or obsolete registry entries, Registry First fixed them... and fixed them without problem (which is a plus in itself). The safety features (registry backup/restore point creation
before any fixing is done) is just icing on the cake. The Registry First Aid repairs coupled with my 17% registry defragmentation fixed by Registry Compressor has had amazing results in my Pentium 4, 3.0 GHz w/ Hyper Threading machine. I was, today, going to make an expensive ram purchase because my machine was sluggish and ran much like and my old underpowered AMD 400. Only now, a year after purchasing my computer, am I enjoying the full potential of my PC. I thought I knew it all. Your software is no less than miraculous and my PC is running faster than I thought possible. I would like to congratulate you and also to recommend this software to anyone with any PC. They will undoubtedly be in for a pleasantly overwhelming surprise -- just as I was.
Jeff Houck, Freelance Programmer <jhouck northrim.net>
I want to say that I'm very impressed by Registry First Aid and consider it an indispensable Windows tool. I've worked with Windows since the early 3.1 days and in all this time never found any tool like RFA as straightforward and easy to use. And it REALLY works! Since purchasing RFA, a *steal* at $27.95 I might add, my XP box runs smoother, faster and I haven't had a SINGLE instance of crashing due to registry corruption. Coupled with fact that upgrades are free to registered users, RFA is an incredible value. I recommend RFA to my friends, associates and to all my clients and customers as a *must have* tool.
Jay Keehn <jay.mail cox.net>
I have used RFA for a few months now and generally liked the results. Now it's different, I LOVE it!!! Let me explain. I had a good week so I bought a new Sony DL DVD-r/w drive. When I installed the unit everything was fine. However, when I started the software install, Crash and reboot. Upon reboot , NO screen display. So, OK, restore. No. Next, start last known working configuration. No. etc.etc... I went ahead and installed the suspect software while in safe mode. The routine completed successfully but still no screen on normal boot. My thinking at this time was to re-install back-up and miss breakfast. Then came the brain cell collision. "I'm gonna' run RFA in safe mode first". Yes, you got it! AND I got my breakfast! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
William Gragg <Wdgwolfe yahoo.com>
Since using registry first aid in our workshop, we have been amazed at how good this product is, it has totally made fixing registry errors on customers computers a breeze and it is a pleasure to use a product that does what it says it should, I would also highly recommend registry compressor as a followup tool after using registry first aid, this will give you the ultimate suite of fix it up tools for any computer system.
Aaron Lovelace, Managing Director, Xtreme Technologies (NZ) Ltd <xtreme.tech worldsbestpcs.com>
Just a few words to let you know how happy I am with Registry First Aid. I've been running Windows XP on a prepackaged HP Pavilion for about three years now and although I try to keep my hard drive organized by running "disk defragmenter" often, my PC was getting slower. My 33GB hard drive was only about one third full, but things were just getting slower. Although I was a bit apprehensive about using a utility, to organize my registry, I decided to try it anyway. Wow, what a difference it made! I then loaded it to my wife's PC and she was also amazed at how much faster programs would function. Then one of my wife's friends wanted to try it. Her machine was almost at a standstill. She downloaded and registered her own copy, and she too was amazed at the difference in speed. If anyone has a PC with Windows and it just keeps getting slower and programs "freeze up", I would highly recommend giving Registry First Aid a try and should you need technical assistance from Rose City Software, their response is second to none. You will get a response, possibly within minutes, not days or never. They are the best.
Charles Ridling <w6cqa softcom.net>
Of all the registry tools I've had, none can compare with your software. I really wouldn't want to be without it. Great value for money. Keep up the good work.
Don Brummie <brummie amitar.com.au>
In my short time online I have found none other program that works as good as Fist Aid. I recommend it to all of my friends. I was amazed when two days after setting up my computer First Aid found 411 invalid paths on my "new computer"!
Dale May <d_mays bcglobal.net>
I downloaded and registered my copy of Registry First Aid yesterday, and I have to say I am very impressed. I had heard that cleaning out the Windows Registry was a key way to improve PC performance, but, frankly, I was a little intimidated by the concept and so hadn't gotten around to it. I read about your product in the recent issue of PC Magazine, and decided to give it a try. Boy, what a product! The install was easy, as was the actual process of identifying and fixing erroneous Registry entries. Your product found and fixed well over a thousand problems! Now my PC starts up faster, programs load faster, I have fewer errors in doing using ActiveSync with my PocketPC, and my shirts are whiter and brighter! Well, the last one may be a bit of an exaggeration. Anyway, kudos to you guys for a great product. Thanks!
Michael B. Ayers <mbayers pacbell.net>
Hi there, from South Africa. Maintaining my pc has always been a priority, but I squandered my days looking for the right registry software, you name it, I've tried it but found something lacking until I tried RFA. Thank you for a marvelous job.
Barry Fredericks <pearlf mweb.co.za>
This is my first computer and even after fifteen months I still consider myself a Newbie. I'm learning, and Registry First Aid certainly has made the process much smoother. The Interface is intuitive, the help file is easily understandable, and the customer support is outstanding. You retirees who may be going through the same learning process, would do well to purchase this Peace of Mind,as I've renamed it.
Doug Bays <dbays sympatico.ca>
This program sped up one of my computers by at least 1000%. I got the program running, and it took about 1/2 hour to find a total of close to 1,000 registry errors. This particular computer is used by my wife when she gets a break from our 6 month old baby. This baby gets very frustrated when my wife spends more then 5 minutes at the computer. Well, before running the RFA program, it would take 5 minutes to just open a browser window. I was actually ready to upgrade this 350 Mhz machine. Now it takes 5 seconds. Needless to say, baby, mother and dad are very happy with the results and would recommend this program to anybody with a computer that is slow.
Karl Landra <karl_landra telus.net>
I just want to say that REGISTRY FIRST AID is my most valuable program. Without it, I would have been forced to purchase a new computer; I love it. Thanks for a program that does all that you said it would do.
James G. <Drawerin aol.com>
I am very pleased with the prompt technical support and the performance of Registry First Aid. It cleans up the registry better than any other program I have used. Thanks for a well designed and behaved program.
Irvin Starr <irvstarr sbcglobal.net>
As a Network Manager, I decided to buy Registry First Aid and do a "Brute Force" test on my home system which was sluggish and something needed to be done... I ignored your excellent advice....<<<" It is a powerful program. But it does need your input and you can not just click the FixIt button">>>.... I started Registry First Aid and did a full backup of the "System State". Registry First Aid found over 1800 errors in the registry. With the exception of de-selecting 2 instances of "Auto Run Programs" I clicked on the "FixIt" button to fix all 1800 plus registry errors. I have now run my system for almost 4 weeks and did not encounter any problems. I am impressed!!!..... However, I do not recommend my approach unless you are willing to accept the consequences if things do go wrong. I have used Symantec WinDoctor for many years and find it a good and reliable program, however, REGISTRY FIRST AID FINDS MANY MORE ERRORS IN THE REGISTRY AND FIXES THEM WITHOUT CAUSING A PROBLEM.
Aad Paauwe <apaauwe apaauwe.com>
This program is absolutely wonderful. It works perfectly and easily, and it does exactly what it says it will do. I had a major problem with an uninstalled ISP that left remnants of itself in the registry that conflicted with my new one. I was just about to do a full system recovery to solve the problem when I came across your program and used it. Problem identified and corrected immediately, much to my satisfaction and joy! I later decided to use search function to find registry entries for a program that would not allow me to uninstall without a password that I no longer had. Again, a seemingly un-resolvable problem was immediately solved with Registry First Aid. This is a program that every computer user should have and use, and I will certainly recommend it to others with enthusiasm. Thank you for your great work!
Kenneth C. D'Apice <kdapice att.net>
At work, I have been using my Windows 98-SE laptop since March 2001. I never cleaned the Windows registry before. About a week ago I bought Registry First Aid and I cleaned this registry using your easy step by step process. In total, RFA found 1,483 items to be deleted or repaired. My system appears to work better, it is stable enough with all my other applications (over 40), some of which are very complicated. I plan to use Registry First Aid on a weekly basis.
Vulpetti Giovanni <giovanni_vulpetti telespazio.it>
Registry First Aid is a perfect program to use right after installing a Windows operating system. You can clean your registry gradually as your install programs, and it keeps your operating system in a fresh state. I have been very pleased with the product, and using it right after a fresh installation (in my case, Win XP Home) makes it very manageable to review registry items for possible deletion. It's also is a great way to learn how much junk is added to the registry, for example, just moving a file from one folder to another. Thanks for a great product.
Martin Toohill <glomb bridgernet.com>
I rely heavily on my PC for both business and family use and have found Registry First Aid to be invaluable in delivering what it promises. My PC runs significantly better after purchasing and using the software in March 2003. A recent information request to your tech support, after normal office hours was replied within 10 minutes! Now that is what you call Service! A1 all round!
David Hipwood <dhipwood sbcglobal.net>
The program does its job well and is one of the easiest to install and run. Directions are plain and simple and results do clear the way for a smoother running computer. Now what is the best part? CUSTOMER SERVICE, it is fast and a no haggle presentation. Better yet, if the problem can't be resolved by FAQs there is really, really, really, a live person on the other end that cares about their company. Thanks for a great program and customer support.
Rick Schlichten <ric gci.net>
I've tried several of the registry fix programs on the Web and never went past the "identification of problems" phase of their programs. These registry-fix programs never really said what the problem was and I just didn't want to hold my breath and follow through for fear I would destroy my XP system. I bought your program and cleaned up my XP registry, removing and cleaning-up almost 1800 entries (some were still hanging on from my Win95 days). You guys have done a wonderful job with this product allowing me to examine every action you suggest and make my own determination as to whether I should ignore it or change it (or change it to another suggestion). In many cases, you pointed me to the proper path (due to reinstall, etc.) and now my boot time has gone from 3-4 minutes to desktop to about 1-2 minutes (it's a 450mz system). FANTASTIC JOB!
David J. Feher <djfeher dfacons.com>
I can't say enough about RFAid. Because of the many problems on the compnter I couldn"t install the program properly. Thanks to the help from tenchical support we finally able to get the program on board and corrected over 2400 errors. I thought I would have to buy a new computer to have everything working this well.
Ralph Brearey <r.brearey worldnet.att.net>
I recently obtained a copy of Registry First Aid version 3.2 for a very modest fee and can tell you that the program has already repaid this small outlay by removing loads of old rubbish from the Registry. I was amazed to see just how many entries had been left behind in respect of programs which I believed had been 'deleted', Periodically running Registry First Aid will avoid any repetition and keep your Registry in good order. Not only is the program good value for money, you can rest assured of excellent backup from the good people in Technical Support.
John Ison <gc3yms ntlworld.com>
I have been using Registry Mechanic and I thought it was a good program, but your program, Registry First Aid found over 1000+ entry's that needed fixed. Thank You for the use of a great Program!
Merlin <merlinj prodigy.net>
Dick Humfrey provided the most patient, by far the most thorough and helpful support for any product I have bought in the last 10 years. For a software product (esp. one with such low original price), I am stunned by how serious, helpful and diligent Dick's support has been. After being shocked at how good and rapid his support was I can only g et upset at how horrible and useless almost all other software support (esp. Microsoft and Symantec) has become. Thanks for the great and dedicated help.
Richard D. Miller, Ph.D. <richardmiller kc.rr.com>
Wow, I'm blown away! I've tried at least half a dozen registry cleaners with varying levels of success but with "Registry First Aid v3.2" I know I've finally found "The One"! Your amazing program discovered over 1000 problems and fixed them all with a single click. Many of the bad entries go back to applications that were removed over two years ago. all of which were missed by previous registry cleaning utilities. I noticed a sharp improvement in overall system performance immediately! The best $27.95 I ever spent!
Michael Tee <michaeltee ispwest.com>
I have been the proud owner of RFA for several months now, and can say without fear of rebuttal that this is one of the very best tools for keeping a lean machine that responds with crisp timing on every occasion. I am middle-aged, but a mere babe in computer years. Nonetheless, I have made good use of my time, and can proudly claim the title of 'computer geek.' My girlfriend has been trying to find perfume that smells like computer to glean some attention. My point is that I am constantly looking for the right combination of tools and utilities to keep my unit tuned and free from the mass amounts of clutter that accumulates onboard with normal use. Also, I my efforts to learn at an accelerated rate, I have crashed hard more times than I care to count, fdisk and format are becoming useful tools to me now instead of smartbombs aimed at my hard drive with my finger on the button. Also, I backup, therefore I am. One short visit to the Rose City site avails me the current code to get RFA back in game. The software has performed without a single glitch for the entire time I have owned it, and I wouldn't think of running any system without it. Thank-you, Rose City S oftware, for the great program, and for being there when I needed you. P.S. The only Rose City I know of is my own Portland. Adios from a friend in the gorge.
Daniel W. Otos <dano netcnct.net>
I've been using the software for over a year now and I find that it is excellent. It is able to detect all the faults I had with my system (a 1GHz Pentium machine with 384MB RAM running on WinME) and had not fail me even once. Great stuff.
Cheah Sin Moh <smcheah1 singnet.com.sg>
First software I've ever purchased that performed as promised....right off the bat...no updates...no nothing...just does a great job. Was apprehensive at first, to let Registry First Aid have it's way with my Win XP register....backed it up.....then turned RFA loose to do its' thing.... My friends....IT REALLY DOES WORK AS ADVERTISED.
Wes McIngvale <windy panola.com>
I must admit being a non-techie I was nervous about playing with my registery. Not only did I follow specific backup instructions from the program, I also did a full system back-up. The program identified almost 300 problems & fixed them all without causing any problems. What more could you ask for?
Keith Jones <gkjones gkjones.freeserve.co.uk>
This is an excellent utility that has helped fix registry problems several times. I recently upgraded to version 3.0 and highly recommend it. The support behind the program is tremendous. I ran into a re-install problem which I could not solve. I emailed tech support and received my answer in minutes. Unusual in this day and age. The product and the company behind it is worth supporting. Thank you!
Maurice Cammack <mcammack direcpc.com>
I must admit, at first I was skeptical about getting involved with the registry settings. I tried Registry First Aid and was amazed at the simplicity of the interface. This awesome program found over 500 registry errors that were slowing my system down to a crawl! Great performance increase for such a low price. With the back up and restore option, you should have no fears about using this program at all. One of the best software programs I have used in many years! Great job Rose City! Thank you.
Rob Hampton <realgeppetto hotmail.com>
Registry First Aid saved my computer!!! I had problems with autoplay feature on my cd-roms, problems viewing my cd-roms, and problems seeing any removable USB devices. I uninstalled all of my cd burning utilities (I will not mention which ones to protect the guilty) and the problem remained. I then ran Registry Fist Aid and was amazed at all the crud left behind by these programs. Registry First Aid cleaned my registry and upon re-booting - IT FIXED ALL THREE PROBLEMS!!!! Thank you for your effort and keep up the good work!!
Mark Beeman <mark.beeman us.army.mil>
Your support system is AWESOME, especially Dick Humfrey in technical support. I caused myself some problems early on ; but his assistance and patience has me up and running the latest version. As a result of this; I purchased and installed Registry Compactor today knowing the support behind the program. Both programs have been run without any error messages regarding the registry at startup. I will look further into all Rose City Software offerings to see how they fit into my particular needs. THANKS AGAIN!
Jim Lindsay <jlindsay2 wi.rr.com>
I recently installed and ran Registry First Aid. It found 1184 invalid paths and a significant number of other errors. As a result the system WindowsXP seems to run faster. It is clearly superior to other products I have used including Norton Systemworks.
John Gilbert <jgilbert elp.rr.com>
Awesome! I didn't realize how cluttered my machine had become in such a short time. It's like it just drank some Jolt!
Wayne Airmet <wsairmet msn.com>
I purchase 90% of my software online, and rarely, and I mean very rarely do I get such a speedy response (and from a real live person - not computer generated), and such a helpful email. Like I said in the first email.... You guys are Top Notch!
Patrick "Pat" Bickel <pbickel houston.rr.com>
This is the only registry program that I have any faith in. Others that I have tried have made such a mess, removing current files etc.
Ethyne Marillier <silkie telkomsa.net>
It seems that the machine is booting faster than before, man, was my registry screwed up! My son is continually installing programs from the web and uninstalling again, sometimes not using the uninstall command properly, this really screws everything up. I have tried various registry tools in the past but I have to say, THIS ONE IS THE BEST! Once again, thanks for your quick response and the assistance given. This will definitely entice me to search your website to see what other goodies you have!
Francois Roux <fdroux mweb.co.za>
thank you so very much for your help I will recommend your software to all my online buddys
Robert Keith <BUCKY1077 msn.com>
Thanks for your prompt, and accurate, solution to my problem. I always dread contacting tech support by email, but you are the exception.
Erik Faraldo <e.faraldo verizon.net>
Thanks very much for your help. Everything went flawlessly. Great Tech Support!
Norman Weinstein <normww40 yahoo.com>
see this letter of congratulations from Preston Sniher, Engineering Technologist and
Chief Electrical Designer
Thanks for the quick response. Imagine. Great products and great service!
Joe Mullin <jdmullin wt.net>
Thank you for handling my problem so efficiently. I can now recommend this product to our IT teams.
Creighton Wood <creighton_wood msn.com>
Thank you so much for responding so quickly. You have a good technical information team there!! Or maybe you're just a really conscientious employee who should get credit for being so prompt. Show this to your supervisor if it will help.:-)
Deborah Collier <Debjann123 wmconnect.com>
You won a faithful customer and I will certainly pass the word on to others. Any organization with staff like yourself deserves to be patronized and supported. Thank you again for all your kind help.
David Frid <fridzich yahoo.com>
I shall rush over to your shop straight away and buy some more of your beautiful software.
Chris Killingbeck <chris.killingbeck virgin.net>
We now have this software on both computers at home and I will continue to praise your program to my peer group.
Dan S Brown <dansbrown shaw.ca>
Thank you for your VERY prompt response - I have now successfully registered the software. It is always a pleasure doing business with your company.... your support is unrivalled. Thanks again.
Betti-Lee <bettilee widomaker.com>
Thank you for your assistance. Not only is the product great, but I am very impressed by your technical support. Great job!
A. Cohn <ACOHN35543 aol.com>
Registry utilities always come up in the PCMagazine forum. I always mention your software and always give the url. I know you have all kinds of accolades for the utility, but it's not reaching these people at the PCMag forums.
Robert Hamilton <parmagrantes msn.com>
I cannot thank you and your company enough for the outstanding software support I've received. You can be sure I'll be purchasing the next version, and I will also be sure to see what else your company can offer me.
Keny Valleau <DeadKeny hotmail.com>
If only all software support was as satisfactory, and as fast! You guys could sure teach Microsoft a ton about customer service!
Chris Cogan <erindorn hotmail.com>
You helped me and you did it perfectly... i am grateful, very grateful... thanks so much for your help... it works perfectly
Myron Palmer <apalmer8 juno.com>
Thanks for the fast reply and for the great software... i will check out your other software for sure with the fast tech support you guys have. thanks
William <Grouch127 aol.com>
WUGNET said you had the best Registry Tool of any of them and they have been good on several other recommendations I have taken.
Ken <cmyhero yahoo.com>
This is a great product !!! It has helped me a lot. With much appreciation,
Gary Stevenson Pungconk <pungconk dellepro.com>